The netters are often seen, on the piers or on their ship, if the weather is bad or if the mending is tricky. Some juicy anchovies from Maisor, bought in their store, will be the best souvenir in Getaria. In the mornings it is possible to see through a glass how the women prepare their delicious anchovies. Guillermo Esaín. Coastal journalist
Visit of “chefs” from the city of Tours (Indre et Loire).

This past February 21, a group of “chefs” from the city of Tours visited our workshop where they had the opportunity to prepare, side by side with our team, their own anchovies in oil. ” … pour vous adresser nos sincères remerciements, pour votre disponibilité, votre accueil, l’organisation et la générosité lors de la réception de notre groupe, sincères remerciements à vos collaboratrices pour leurs démonstrations, cordialement”. À bientôt, chers amis! ikusi arte!