This is‘s terms of use and privacy policies summary. If you want to read the whole text you can do so by clicking here.
The ownership and the services offered in this website belong to the following company:
Name: MAISOR Kontserbak, S.L.
Tax Identification Code: B20599205
Address: Puerto 3, Edificio Astillero, 20808 Getaria
Telephone: +34 943140993
Web & on-line store:
Registered in: Registro Mercantil en el tomo 1.649, folio 64, hoja SS-12916, inscripción Gipuzkoa.
Data protection
According to the 15/1999 Organic Law about Protection of Personal Data, MAISOR Kontserbak, S.L. informs to its website users that the data collected by the application forms filled by the users will be introduced in an automated data file. This file’s responsibility lies in MAISOR Kontserbak, S.L. in order to facilitate, accelerate and fulfil the agreements reached by both parts.
MAISOR Kontserbak, S.L. informs that you can access, cancel, modify or opposite this data by writing to MAISOR Kontserbak, S.L., c/ Puerto nº. 3 Edificio Astillero, 20808 GETARIA.
If there is not noticed the opposite, we understand that your data has not been modified, that you will notify any change and that we can use it in order to communicate with you.
MAISOR Kontserbak, S.L. can use cookies in its website in order to improve the customisation and the convenience of the user. MAISOR Kontserbak, S.L. informs that the cookies are linked to an anonymous user and its computer, they do not give us the name and the surname of the user.
Copyright notice
All the rights of the texts, pictures and contents of the website belong to MAISOR Kontserbak, S.L.
All rights reserved. Intellectual Property Law enforcement, the reproduction, distribution, public communication and use of its website contents is forbidden without the permission of MAISOR Kontserbak, S.L.